Wednesday 7 January 2015

Trickster Tales: The Pied Piper of Hamelin by Russell Brand

Having long been a fan of Rusty Rockets aka Messiah Brand, in part due to his dexterous and adept command of the English language and also due to his contrary approach to the dissemination of meaning via humour and mischief, it is no surprise that I would be keen to devour his latest, more Literary offering! His first foray into the story... How would it fair?

As a mother of a precocious reader, aged 8 and well aware that the average reading age of a Sun reader is also 8 it is pleasing that the vocabulary is more in line with the average reading age of a Guardian reader: 14 (see here )! Our linguistic capabilities have diminished since Elizabethan times, something that continues with our codified and digitised lifestyles. How delicious, that our favourite Court Jester and Lord of Misrule has chosen to stretch the minds and capabilities of the young: both in form and content. Encouraging children to work for meaning, or their understanding of it is surely the way to go. 

The story itself, seems very reflective and open. Sam, our little outsider boy seems to resonate as Brand (see the Motherly love and encouragement, feeling different to a superficial society). The language is rich and lively, with just the right mix of puerile content to engage any ardent Walliams fans (bum custard anyone). The message is powerful: see through the superficiality of our society and embrace each other as equals. In summation, this is an enjoyable romp, full of mischief and subversion that helps our young understand an universal truth: Revolution for children!

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